Front row: Teryn Sparling, Megan Nash and Jessica Boekelheide. Back row: Landen Melius, Christopher Toennies and Justin Haven.
Northwestern Homecoming 2021: Out of this World
Monday: Cross Country @ MillerTuesday: Volleyball @ Redfield
Cheer @ Wolsey
Middle School/High School Dodgeball Tournament
Wednesday: Marching Band @ Roncalli
How Well Do You Know Your Seniors?
Thursday: Coronation @7:00 followed by Burning of the "N" and Powderpuff Football
Friday: Student Council Meal from 11-12:30
Pep Rally @11:00
Homecoming Parade @1:00
Football vs Great Plains Lutheran @7:00
Parents Night for Football, Cross Country, and Cheer
Homecoming Dance from 9:30-11:30