
1.     Name: Jeremy Sommer

2.     Where are you from and where did you grow up? Sioux Falls, South Dakota

3.     Describe your high school experience: Busy but rewarding.

4.     From where did you graduate from college and with what degree(s)? Northern State University, Social Science Bachelors in Education

5.     What do you teach/coach/lead at Northwestern? 6-12 Social Studies, MS Football

6.     How long have you been here? 2 weeks.

7.     When did you realize you wanted to become a teacher/para/admin/business manager/etc.? During high school when I started tutoring.

8.     What is rewarding about your job? Seeing students understand the content.

9.     If you could have any other job what would it be? National Geographic Photographer

10.  Who is your biggest role model? An old teacher from High School.

11.  What are your hobbies? Traveling, Camping, Fishing, and Hunting

12.  Where do you see yourself in ten years? Hopefully with my master’s and doctorate.

13.  If you could live anywhere else, where? Rome

14.  What type of music do you listen to? Currently Frank Sinatra

15.  What food is like a guilty pleasure to you? Steak

16.  Last book you read? The Odyssey

17.  Who would play the lead in a movie about your life? Ryan Gosling

18.  What super power do you wish you had? Flight

19.  Biggest pet peeve? People who slow down before entering a turning lane.

20.  What advice do you have for the students of Northwestern? Remember to practice self-care.