  • Name: Lauren Wood
  • Where are you from and where did you grow up? I am from Cresbard but grew up in Warner.
  • Describe your high school experience: Amazing and Fun
  • From where did you graduate college and with what degree(s)? Still attending Lake Area Tech for Ag finance but will also go for Early Childhood Education
  • What do you teach/coach/lead at Northwestern? Paraprofessional for Elementary
  • How long have you been here? This is my first year
  • When did you realize you wanted to become a teacher? Getting to have an impact on children like my teachers did for me.
  • What is rewarding about your job? I get to give back to the community who did so much for me when I was younger.
  • If you could have any other job what would it be? Rancher wife (already am but a stay at home one)
  • Who is your biggest role model? My Grandparents
  • What are your hobbies? Working on family ranch, hanging out with friends and family, and golf.
  • Where do you see yourself in ten years? Hopefully with two kids and still at Northwestern.
  • If you could live anywhere else, where? Nowhere, I like living in the middle of the country.
  • What type of music do you listen to? Country
  • What food is like a guilty pleasure to you? Tacos
  • Last book you read? Things we never got over by Lucy Score
  • Who would play the lead in a movie about your life? Sandra Bullock
  • What super power do you wish you had? To Fly
  • Biggest pet peeve? People chewing with their mouths open
  • What advice do you have for the students of Northwestern? Live every minute to the fullest, and always remember you come from a small community where everyone knowns everyone so just remember eyes are always on you.